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UncertaintyAnalyzer ($995 USD) is a user-interactive measurement uncertainty analysis application that implements and extends the techniques and methods of the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (the ISO GUM). Consequently, UncertaintyAnalyzer greatly facilitates compliance with ISO 17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540.3. UncertaintyAnalyzer 3.0 runs in Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10 operating systems.
Whether youre a scientist, design engineer, production engineer,
test engineer, metrologist, or anyone else concerned with measurement accuracy, you need
to know only information that falls within your technical specialty. UncertaintyAnalyzer
furnishes the statistical expertise, while you furnish the technical knowledge.
Details and Screen Shot Links
of Direct Measurements
Every aspect of the
measurement uncertainty analysis
process can be accessed via the Main
Main Screen menu and tool bars,
measurement uncertainty analysis
procedure checklist, and measurement process error list provide
quick access to drill-down analysis screens and worksheets.
Information about the subject parameter being
analyzed, the measurement process uncertainties, and the overall combined
measurement uncertainty are all
summarized on the Main Screen.
Analysis of Multivariate Measurements
Defined Error Worksheet is the primary screen for
analyzing uncertainties for multivariate measurements.
model equation for computing the parameter value of interest can contain up to
1,000 root variables or
equations can also contain an unlimited number of nested
variables, each defined by a separate equation.
variables and associated uncertainties are analyzed via the Error
Source Uncertainty Worksheets.
coefficients for root variables are automatically computed via
numerical partial differentiation of the model equation.
user has the option of entering sensitivity coefficient
equations in lieu of automatic partial differentiation.
equations are entered in the extremely versatile and
non-proprietary VB Script format.
Analysis of Measurement Systems
The System
Model Screen is used to analyze uncertainties for linear
measurement systems.
The System GUI Screen provides a full-featured graphical user
interface (GUI) for building interactive measurement system
Systems can
contain up to 10 component modules arranged in series.
Each module can be
analyzed as a multivariate measurement comprised of up to 30
root variables.
Measurement uncertainties for each module are computed,
summarized and propagated through the measurement system. System module information
can be saved in an
external file (*.mdl) for use in other analyses.
Built-in database and
module library
access and
module library update screens provide a useful tool for managing module
On-Screen Information
The Analysis
Guide Screen provides a tree-view presentation of
measurement uncertainty analysis concepts and
methods, program features, operating procedures, analysis examples and
other topics.
Interactive analysis procedure checklists provide a short, structured
walk-through of the basic steps in estimating measurement uncertainty for typical
measurement scenarios.
Major screens and worksheets contain detailed
procedures with hypertext links to program functions.
All screens and worksheets contain context sensitive Info buttons.
All screens and worksheets have access to a full-featured
Help with index, content, and search capabilities for
over 700 topics.
Advanced Features
Uncertainty Growth Projection for the subject parameter under evaluation
can be estimated via the Reliability
Model Worksheet.
The SMPC Analysis
Screen can be used to obtain the best estimates of both
the subject parameter and measuring parameter values using
Bayesian methods.
The Sample
Statistics Screen can be used to compute Statistics for
Selected Cells (i.e., sample subset), test for and
Remove Outlier Data, and to conduct Normality Testing.
The built-in Type B
Degrees of Freedom Calculator provides a useful tool for
estimating the degrees of freedom
for heuristic (i.e.,
non-statistical) measurement uncertainty estimates.
The SpecMaster Worksheet
provides a powerful tool for determining tolerances for parameters with complex
The built-in Measurement Units
contains over eighty measurement areas and several hundred
units in compliance with NIST Special Publication 811. Nearly
two dozen new measurement areas and a hundred units have been
added to facilitate working with specifications for wide range of
measurement and test equipment.
The built-in Instrument
Database can be used for storing and retrieving instrument and
parameter specifications.
External Windows applications can be run from within
UncertaintyAnalyzer via the Run External
Application Screen.
UncertaintyAnalyzer also fully integrates with other ISG
applications for enhanced measurement analysis capability,
including the ability to import Uncertainty Sidekick Pro
Data Importing
units, measuring equipment and samples of measurement data can
be imported into UncertaintyAnalyzer from external database or
other file formats.
The Data
Import Profile Screen is used to develop an import
profile, cross-reference external field data to
UncertaintyAnalyzer fields and to run imports.
The Data Import Profile Screen allows the user to view
the data prior to importing into UncertaintyAnalyzer.
The Windows Copy & Paste functions are also
supported on all program screens and worksheets.
Drill-down Worksheets for
Analyzing Measurement Process Errors
Parameter Bias
Uncertainty Worksheets for estimating measurement uncertainty due to measuring
and/or subject parameter bias.
Data Entry Worksheets for estimating measurement uncertainty due to
measuring and/or subject parameter random (repeatability)
Resolution Error Worksheets for estimating measurement uncertainty due
to measuring and/or subject parameter resolution error.
Operator Bias
Uncertainty Worksheet for estimating measurement uncertainty due to
operator bias.
Digital Sampling Uncertainty Worksheet for
estimating measurement uncertainty due to analog-to-digital and/or digital-to-analog
signal conversion.
Error Uncertainty Worksheet for estimating measurement uncertainty due
to computation error.
Environmental Factors
Uncertainty Worksheet for estimating measurement uncertainty due to
environmental factors.
Stress Response
Uncertainty Worksheet for estimating measurement uncertainty due to
shipping and handling stress.
User Defined
Error Worksheet for estimating measurement uncertainty due to other
user defined errors.
of Type A, Type B and
Type A,B Estimates
measurement uncertainty estimate type is automatically determined based on
user data entry.
Degrees of freedom are computed for all
measurement uncertainty estimate
Type B error limits can be computed as a
linear or root-sum-square (RSS) combination of a fixed value, % of
nominal or reading, % of full scale, and % of range or other
Measurement uncertainty estimates and associated
statistics for User Defined Errors can be imported from other UncertaintyAnalyzer
files via the Error
Source Uncertainty Worksheets.
The Copy Error Source
function also allows users to copy information from one Error
Source Uncertainty Worksheet to another to reduce duplication
of data entry in cases where two or more error sources are
Configuration Options
Users can choose from a list of measurement
configurations via the Measurement
Configurations Screen.
Selecting a
measurement configuration instructs UncertaintyAnalyzer to de-activate
screens and worksheets that are not required for the measurement
uncertainty analysis.
a measurement configuration also instructs UncertaintyAnalyzer to activate
special analysis screens, where appropriate.
Correlation of Error Sources
All error sources are assumed to be
uncorrelated unless otherwise specified by the user.
The Correlation
Analysis Screen assists the user in establishing
correlations between error sources.
Correlation coefficients can be entered directly or
computed from data pairs.
Correlation coefficients are automatically
included in the computation of the total, combined measurement
Notes Pages for All Analysis Levels
are built-in notes pages for each uncertainty analysis worksheet or screen to store images
and text.
Notes pages are automatically saved with each
analysis and can also be saved externally as rich text format files.
Description Screen
The Analysis
Description Screen provides a separate screen for entering text and graphics information
that describe the overall analysis, measurement process, etc.
This screen also provides easy access to
other notes pages.
The screen contents are automatically saved with each analysis.
descriptions can also be saved as external rich text format files.
Charts and Plots
Parameter bias distribution plots are
automatically displayed on the Parameter
Bias Uncertainty Worksheets.
Process error distribution plots can also be
displayed via the Main Screen.
A histogram plot of sampled data can be
displayed on the Measurement
Data Entry Worksheets.
The Pareto Chart
Screen displays a bar chart depicting the relative contributions of Type A, Type B, and Type
A,B process uncertainties to the total, combined uncertainty.
Analysis Reports
A variety of reporting levels are available
including summary reports and "drill-down" reports for complete communication of analysis results.
The Report
Options Screen can be used to tailor the contents of each analysis
Notes, charts and plots can be selected for inclusion on report pages.
The Print Preview
Screen provides navigation through reports pages prior to
Analysis reports can be saved in
MS Word, Rich Text or
HTML file formats via the Print Preview Screen.
Analysis reports can also be copied and
pasted as images in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or other external
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Page Updated February 06, 2018