Course details can be accessed by clicking the hypertext links below. If you require additional information, please call us at 1-661-872-1683 or e-mail us at training@isgmax.com. Course Summaries
A Unique Benefit Ordinarily, students walk away from technical seminars with an incomplete understanding of the subject matter and the concepts are usually forgotten or improperly applied in the workplace. In contrast, ISG training is straight-forward and easy to understand, given by recognized authorities, and reinforced with quizzes and classroom examples designed to maximize understanding and retention. In our courses, students use PC-based tools to analyze the kind of information they deal with in their daily work. This means that students not only learn important methods and concepts, they also learn how to apply best practices and improve productivity using state-of-the-art software to solve problems.
Instructors Dr. Howard Castrup has a B.S. degree in Engineering, a PhD in Solid State Electronics and has been developing advanced measurement science techniques and methods for over forty years. He is one of the founders of uncertainty growth modeling and the originator of statistical measurement process control (SMPC). Dr. Castrup has worked as a Microwave Electronics Instructor, an RF and Microwave Metrology Engineer, a Sr. Statistician, a Sr. Systems Analyst, a Project Manager, Program Manager, and Department Manager. He is a major contributor to NASA Reference Publication 1342; the principal author of the NCSLI Recommended Practice on Calibration Intervals (RP-1); and has published numerous papers and articles on uncertainty analysis, measurement decision risk analysis, statistical process control, and calibration interval analysis. Dr. Castrup is a member of IEEE, ASQ, Sigma Pi Sigma, AIP, AAPT, and is the chairman of the NCSLI Metrology Practices Committee. Click Here for a list of professional accomplishments.
Ms. Suzanne Castrup has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering and has over thirty five years of hands-on experience in calibration and testing, both in the research and production environments. She has tested and evaluated numerous instruments and systems for measuring temperature, pressure, flow rate, mass and heat transfer rate in the petroleum industry and has considerable expertise interpreting and evaluating performance specifications for a wide variety of instruments, sensors, transducers, signal conditioners and other measuring equipment. Ms. Castrup is a member of ASME, ISA and SPE and is currently the chair of the NCSLI Uncertainty Analysis Committee (RP-12). She has also served as chair of the NCSLI Petroleum Industry Metrology Committee (1990 through 1991). She has published numerous technical papers and holds several U.S. Patents relating to petroleum measurements and thermal recovery processes. Click Here for a list of professional accomplishments.
Howard and Suzanne are recipients of the 2005 NCSLI Education and Training Award. This prestigious award is second only to the William A. Wildhack Award and is given to an individual or group of individuals for outstanding contributions to the field of metrology education and training. |
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Page Updated February 06, 2018