The subset of Cumulative History that results from defining Analysis Candidates,
via the Candidate Selection
Pick List Screen, consists of all Manufacturer/Models, Instrument Classes, Similar Items, or Systems associated with the displayed ranges of the Selection Fields.
In some cases, it may be desired to further filter the data to include only specific service date ranges, individual MTE items, etc. This is done by implementing Data
Filters for a given set of Analysis Candidates by using the Data Filter Pick
List Screen, accessed via the Data Filters option from the Selections Menu
on the Main Screen.
As with selecting Analysis Candidates, Data Filters are selected by restricting values in Selection Fields to specified ranges.
There is some overlap between the Filter Selection Fields and the Candidates Selection Fields. This is to allow maximum flexibility in selecting data subsets for analysis.
the Selection Field of interest is clicked (the mouse will turn
into a small checkmark when positioned over the desired field), a
corresponding list of Pick Values appears. The lower bounding value
is then clicked and dragged to the From column. Similarly, the
upper bounding value is clicked and dragged to the To column.
This process is repeated for the desired number of selection criteria.
Once all the selection criteria have been set, the Execute button
is clicked to implement them.